Sunday 24 February 2008

Turisas - Battle Metal - The Varangian Way - Rasputin

With these two albums, Turisas are crowned the kings of Viking/Folk Metal or whatever way you like to classify this band.They built their own sound, made it original but still with enough melody to make a hoard of Barbarians sing along, before after and during battle. (depending with whom they fought)

When I used the word melody, I didn't mean cheesy ballads or upbeat songs ready for consumption in a football stadium. What I had in mind was melodies where the sounds are polished but still noisy and distorted, welded together with atmospheric chorus suitable for Odin's comeback to Earth.

Rasputin (Boney M original) makes you cry for more on the basis that it enriches the original version, something very rare on a cover. Turisas created the original battle metal like Thor would have done if there were guitars in Nordic Mythology.

Turisas - Battle Metal (2004)
  1. Victoriae & Triumphi Dominus
  2. As Torches Rise
  3. Battle Metal
  4. The Land of Hope and Glory
  5. The Messenger
  6. One More
  7. Midnight Sunrise
  8. Among Ancestors
  9. Sahti-Waari
  10. Prologue of R R R
  11. Rexi Regi Rebellis
  12. Katuman Kaiku

Turisas - The Varangian Way (2007)

1. To Holmgard and Beyond
2. A Portage To The Unknown
3. Cursed Be Iron
4. Fields Of Gold
5. In The Court of Jarisleif
6. Five Hundred and One
7. The Dnieper Rapids
8. Miklagard Overture

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Turisas - Rasputin (2007)

1. Rasputin
2. Battle Metal

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1 comment:

Vagabond said...

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